Managing traits & rarity

Rarity - How often a trait appears throughout a collection

Editing your traits

To manage your traits, click the Traits panel in the menu sidebar. Then select the attribute you'd like to adjust. The overlay shows a list of each trait in the attribute. Here you can adjust the rarity for a trait that decides how often it appears throughout the generated collection.

Here you can:

  • Set trait rarity

  • Rename traits

  • Add/delete traits

  • Update artwork files

Accessing Settings

Click the trait settings button in the top right to adjust basic settings:

  • Attribute name

  • Empty percentage (percentage of tokens without the trait)

Add new traits

Click the file upload section or drag and drop a file into the top area. Select the file you'd like to add as a trait and click open. Once the upload is complete, you will see it appear as a new card, and the trait name can be updated as required.

Adjusting rarity & supply

There are currently two ways to set rarity, fixed and custom:

Rarity Based Select from five rarity pools to automatically set the rarity for each item. Each pool will show you an estimated supply for the trait, which may change slightly based on other traits in the pool. Adjust the rarity by moving the slider up and down.

Fixed Supply If you would like to be more precise about the number of times specific traits appear in your collection, you can set an exact supply by selecting the fixed option and entering your required supply.

Making changes Set the rarity by dragging the percentage slider on the card, or changing the selection to fixed and entering the amount. You can toggle between the notched and smooth rarity sliders at the top right. When you drag the slider, the percentages of the other traits will automatically adjust accordingly.

Update and delete traits

Update artwork Artwork - Click the upload button at the bottom of the trait card. Upon clicking, your file explorer will open for you to select the replacement files. Please ensure that the trait uses the same aspect ratio as the trait it's replacing. Update name Click the name attribute on the trait card and enter the new name.

Deleting traits To delete a trait, click the trash icon at the bottom of the card you would like to remove.

Last updated