Browser SDK

Verify includes a Javascript SDK which handles showing a wallet connection UI, making API requests and returning results. This is the recommended way of interacting with Verify, but we also have a REST API if you want to build your own UI.


Install the SDK via NPM or by importing with a <script> tag.

Install the SDK from NPM

npm install --save @diamondhh/verify

Import the combined bundle for all supported chains

import VerifySdk from '@diamondhh/verify'

Or import a chain specific bundle (supports tree shaking)

import VerifySdk from '@diamondhh/verify/solana' // OR
import VerifySdk from '@diamondhh/verify/ethereum' // Also supports Polygon

The SDK will automatically inject the required stylesheet, no CSS import required.Import the default CSS in your <head>


Initialise the SDK

Before you can use Verify you need to set your API key. You can get an API key for free by registering on Diamond Hands Hotel.

When using the Browser SDK or calling the API from the client side you must use your public key. You must never share your secret key (used for verifying results on the backend) as it could also be used to forge a successful verification.

const verify = new VerifySdk("pk_YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY")

Make a request

Now the SDK is set up you're ready to start making requests. The quickest way to get started is to read the example below and review the comments for detailed information. This example uses all available options, but only chain and contract are required.

const res = await verify.nft({
  // Chain symbol: SOL, ETH or MATIC (Polygon)
  chain: "SOL",
  // Network: options are chain specific, see table below
  // Defaults to mainnet if not provided
  // network: "testnet",
  // Contract address or Candy Machine ID (Solana)
  contract: "6p9xpokmE8PcK4VBwBk6nf6PYoBwWUDsYxjMy7erRjpw",
  // Provide marketplace information and Verify will automatically fetch
  // your avatar and banner images, social links & add a puchase button.
  marketplace: {
    // Valid marketplace options will depend on your chain
    name: "MAGIC_EDEN",
    // Slug is only required for Solana NFTs as the collection can't
    // be found automatically. The slug is found at the end of your listing
    // URL, for example[your slug]
    slug: "space_sneks_society"
  // You can override the collection metadata or provide manually if
  // your collection isn't listed yet. Images must be absolute URLs, and
  // will be resized automatically. All fields are optional and will be
  // merged with marketplace data.
  metadata: {
    name: "My Awesome NFT",
    avatarImage: "",
    bannerImage: "",
    socials: [{
      type: "TWITTER",
      url: ""
    }, {
      type: "DISCORD",
      url: ""
    }, {
      type: "WEB",
      url: ""
  // Add unlockable content, which only users who pass verification can
  // access. Configure unlockables through the web dashboard or via
  // the API. Only unlockables for the correct chain/contract will be
  // returned (invalid unlockables are silently ignored).
  // This also works with Webhook unlockables, allowing you to return
  // dynamic content based on the results of the user verification.
  // Unlike other unlockable types, webhook unlockables are executed
  // even if the verification fails allowing you to update a users
  // account to revoke access if they previously had it.
  // You can provide as an array of unlockable names to return or just
  // pass 'true' to fetch all available unlockables.
  // unlockables: true,
  unlockables: ["my-video"],
  // Link the request to some data in your system by passing an arbirary
  // data string up to 512 bytes. We highly recommend you also provide a HMAC 
  // signature = SHA256("sk_YOUR_SECRET_KEY" + value) which will
  // ensure the data isn't tampered with before the verification request.
  // You can also include an object by converting it to a string first.
  // If a HMAC isn't provided the request will still succeed but
  // `` will be false. DO NOT CALCULATE THE HMAC CLIENT
  // SIDE. Your secret key must never be transmitted to end users.
  // This is entirely optional, and has no effect on operation other than
  // including the provided data in the verification results. Usually used
  // alongside webhook unlockables to perform a side effect based on the
  // verification results. Possible uses cases include:
  //    * passing an email address to subcribe to a holders mailing list
  //    * passing a user ID and upgrading them to a premium membership
  //    * passing a user ID and linking to their wallet address for
  //      wallet-based login
  data: {
    value: "{\"email\":\"[email protected]\"}",
    hmac: "b12f8da26ff8f64f6ae22db5e78d49b8504a4bc446203a4247d5e8990d1fe3e7"

Get results

res will resolve to an object with the results of the verification request once the user has completed the verification (either passing or failing). If aborted without completing, the call will throw an error.

// console.log(res)

  "result": {
    "at": "1643732888",
    "ownership": true,
    "wallet": {
      "address": "sneksprLoHxxRAyLS9W4oZibXRJX9Q69m1Bnv2hRCAE",
      "verified": true
    "data": {
      "value": "{\"email\":\"[email protected]\"}",
      "verified": true
  "asset": {
    "chain": "SOL",
    "network": "mainnet",
    "contract": "6p9xpokmE8PcK4VBwBk6nf6PYoBwWUDsYxjMy7erRjpw",
    "symbol": "SNEK"
  "tokens": [{
    "id": "FuSrkrUnGf2KRHeMvEFh2jpJ55NHwfh3syifebVoPBDS",
    "uri": "",
    "metadata": {
      "name": "Space Sneks #279",
      "description": "An ultra exclusive society of 1,024 highly evolved Sneks, that travelled the cosmos to open the Diamond Hands Hotel.",
      "image": "",
      "collection": {
        "name": "Space Sneks",
        "family": "Diamond Hands Hotel"
      "attributes": [
          "trait_type": "Other",
          "value": "Blue Laser"
  "unlockables": [
      "name": "secret-video",
      "type": "video",
      "content": "",
      "createdAt": "2022-02-18T14:37:00.387Z",
      "updatedAt": null,
  "signed": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.JnxguNAeT37upXgx9R_8-vGS4WiVQ487F3RttDubJr0"


result holds a summary of the verification result.

If using Webhook unlockables you MUST check the value of ownership and data.verified as webhooks will be executed regardless of verification success.


asset has some basic information about the contract verified.

Additional fields may be returned depending on the chain and contract. You should expect at least the below, but all available data will be returned (e.g family for some Solana NFTs and description if implemented by contract creator).


tokens is an array of NFTs from the provided contract that the wallet owns. If the user owns no NFTs from the contract then this array will be empty. NFTs from other contracts are not returned (you should make another request to fetch results from multiple collections).

metadata key includes the raw token metadata, and will vary depending on the contract implementation. Other than checks to ensure reasonable data size, there is no additional processing or normalisation done.


unlockables is an array of valid unlockables which were requested. Any unlockables which aren't found or don't match the chain/contract settings will be silently ignored.

Verifying results

Included in the results object is a signed property. This is a JSON Web Token signed with your secret key, where the payload is the full results object excluding unlockables.

You can pass this string to your backend and verify it using any JWT library. Below is an example using the jsonwebtoken library.

import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'

try {
  // Pass the `signed` property to your backend
  const signed = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.JnxguNAeT37upXgx9R_8-vGS4WiVQ487F3RttDubJr0"
  const result = jwt.verify(signed, "sk_YOUR_SECRET_KEY")
} catch (err) {
  // Signature has been tampered with


You can listen for events from Verify to update the state of your application.

verify.on('opened', () => {
    // The verify modal was opened

verify.on('closed', () => {
    // The verify modal was closed

verify.on('contract_metadata', (data) => {
    // Metadata for the contract has been loaded

verify.on('wallet_connected', data => {
    // When the users wallet has been connected successfully

verify.on('wallet_verified', data => {
    // The user has signed the nonce and it was valid

verify.on('results', data => {
    // IMPORTANT: this event does not confirm the user owns the
    // requested NFT. You should check the event data which
    // follows the same format as the results object

verify.on('error', data => {
    // There was an error during verification. These errors are not
    // nessecarily fatal as the user can retry within the request.
    // The main verify.nft() promise will reject in the event of a
    // fatal error.

Last updated